MSN Messenger is who I am. I realised that I can't operate without it.
That's how I've been keeping contact with my friends.
I've been travelling a lot since I was young moving from state to state, country to country so MSN is the cheapest way of communicating with my friends. We chat almost everyday and we update each other on the smallest things that might not mean anything to anyone. That's how we keep the relationship going even though we're miles a apart. Chatting about a simple thing like a haircut just makes it feel like we still live close by.
Sometimes there's that thing called a time difference. Sometimes I've got to go to bed and they're awake and vice versa so we keep each other updated with a blog. My friends have been blogging since 5 years ago and that's also a way to keep in touch when we've not chatted for a long time or we feel like we have to blog about it so that we can get the point across better.
I love Skype. I'ts like being able to talk on the phone for hours and hours and hours and not have to pay for it. Great eh. That's how I keep in touch with my family usually and it can also hold video calls which is awesome. If we're too lazy to chat, my friends and I will usually just Skype the whole night till 5am or somewhere around there.
Myspace and Friendster are great websites to know friend who know friends and you be creative coz you can design how the world view you.
Alright that's it for now. =)
oh yeah and it's my birthday today. woohoo.