Thursday, May 10, 2007


The reason why I use MSN all the time is because it is simple and easy to use. It makes catching with my friends here and from other countries easy and cheap. It doesn't take up much space on your computer and it is pretty safe from virus and other threats to my computer.

The 3D chat is a very interesting idea. There is an interaction. Unlike MSN.

However, sometimes when I use MSN, I do use a webcam and some of my friends who own webcams will use it too. In that way we can interact and see each other. It is more real.

I dont think I'll be coverting to the 3D chatting way anytime soon because it takes up too much space on my computer and I have a feeling it will make my computer slow down and lag. It is also too much hassle. If I'm really REALLY bored then I might consider using it for a few minutes because I'll get tired of it after awhile and just wanna resort back to MSN - something that I'm more accustomed and used to.

The idea is fantastic but it won't catch on that fast.

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